A spin on our classic milanese, this crispy chicken pairs beautifully with a fresh pesto. The parmesan in the crust keeps in crispy while adding another layer of seasoning.
For the breading the amount of parmesan will vary based on how it is grated. it isn’t as important to get the exact measurement right but I like to use 1/3 to 1/2 of freshly grated parmigiano reggiano. Freshly grated is light and fluffy so it doesn’t come out to be too much. If you are using pregrated or grating a different way you will want to use less.
You will notice though that I do weight out the pesto for the recipe. If you have made it enough you can make it by taste, but the weight will get you close if you haven’t made it before.
I like to serve with a tomato salad or over a bed of rice or potatoes.

Parmesan Crusted Pesto Chicken
A juicy chicken breast coated with a parmesan breadcrumb and served with basil pesto.
Prepare the Pesto
Make the pesto
Add the garlic and salt to your pestle and mortar and mix to a paste. Continue by adding a handful of basil at a time until it is well broken up. Add the parmigiano cheese in 3rd. At this point it should resemble a thick paste. Drizzle in the olive oil while still mashing. It should loosen up. Taste for seasoning and adjust.
Parmesan Chicken
Prepare the chicken
If using regular chicken breast, butterfly into a cutlet by cutting in half but ensuring not to go the whole way through. I stop at this stage but if you want an extra thin cutlet pound with a meat tenderizer or a heavy rolling pin.
Bread the chicken
Beat an egg and add to a bow with a splash of water. Add the flour to one plate and other plate with the breadcrumbs and parmesan. Mix the breadcrumb and parmesan to combine well.
Pat the chicken dry and dip in the flour mixture, shaking off extra flour then place in the egg. Let the egg run off then place in the breadcrumb and ensure it is coated evenly.
Rest in a cutting board or plate for a few minutes.
Fry the chicken
Pan fry the chicken in about 2-3 inches of oil. Cook each side until golden brown, around 3 minutes. To finish the cooking place on a rack and in the oven on convection set to 420. Bake for another 6 minutes or until the internal temperature is 165.
Depending on the thickness if your chicken you can cook the whole way in the oil. You can also deep fry. For a thicker piece of chicken I like to bake in the oven to ensure it doesn't get too greasy and still stays crispy. -
Top with pesto
Let the chicken rest for a couple minutes then top with the basil pesto.