A roasted, creamy and sweet treat marks the start of the Holiday season. You can find (and smell) these classics on every corner being served by street cart vendors in the city.
It goes without saying the best way to prepare chestnuts is over an open fire, but for us that don’t have access to an open flame, an oven is an excellent alternative. Once you make these there will be no going back to the packaged ones!
Chestnuts are like no other nut. Their flavor and texture is more potato like. I find that when buying bulk bags they have a higher chance of having moldy or bad chestnuts so I like to pick my own. You should pick ones that feel firm and not like there is an air pocket in them and free of cracks.
For storing, they will last a couple days in the fridge in a sealed container. I like to peel and freeze any leftover chestnuts. They reheat very well in the oven or used in a salad, like our Balsamic Chestnut Arugula salad.

Roasted Chestnuts
A roasted, creamy and sweet Holiday classic.
Preparing Chestnuts
To prepare the chestnuts rinse then cut in X into the shell.
For an easier to peel chestnut, let soak for 2 hours after cut at room temperature.
Roast the chestnuts on 400 and check on them after 20 minutes. They should be split open and golden. If they are not, cook for another 5 minutes or until done.